Word of Advice: Do not Let Anything Weigh You Down

ben francia | by Ben Francia |Last Updated: April 16, 2013

Do you ever feel like, you can’t move forward towards your goal? Have you ever thought that there is something that’s weighing you down?

Whatever it may be, learn to let it go so it won’t feel like you are walking with ball and chains attached to your feet.

What’s weighing you down may be a past experience, fear of the changes, or even a person. It can be anything. You need to recognize whatever it is that’s weighing you down or stopping you from moving forward and deal with it. Truth is, you can only deal with it by just letting it go.

All successful entrepreneurs have had some tough experiences in the past, but for them, these shouldn’t affect what they make of themselves in the present and their future. If we don’t let challenges stop us from reaching our goals, then we shouldn’t let anything stop us from moving forward as well.

Challenges will come our way, that’s a given. But we must also remember that there are a lot of opportunities waiting for us. So we must remove our personal shackles that keep us from reaching our goal.

We won’t fully succeed if we don’t let go of the past. Like in the quote, it is really difficult to get to where we are when something is weighing you down. In a case like this, moving forward becomes more of a challenge rather than the next step in order to succeed.

Don’t let past experiences stop you to succeed, let them go and have the courage to just go on. Nobody ever succeeds if they stop anyway. Go, move forward, and reach your goal.

Caleb Foreman

Im an 18 year old male, Ive tried to let things go, I've talked about it (albeit I'm scared too because everytime I talk bad things happen)and have come to terms with the bad things in my past, yes I'm scared of the changes and everything else. But no matter what I seem to do, everyday just seems to push me more and more over the edge, darkness always seems to shroud me in its cloak, I've been thinking about getting on meds to help with my mood swings and such but, I dont wanna become a zombie.

2020-01-19 06:19:55

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