Part of my goals is to empower businesses and individuals to create success in the Internet, one way I am doing that is by participating in speaking engagements and hosting webinars on digital marketing. Now, I am hosting a meet-up where digital entrepreneurs and everyone interested in digital marketing can be with like-minded people and at the same time, share their expertise in digital entrepreneurship.
The pilot meet-up of the Digital Entrepreneurs Manila will be on Tuesday, April 7,2015, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the pool bar of Best Western Plus Antel Hotel. To RSVP, simply go to
The objectives of this meet-up are:
- Provide a venue to learn (and teach) Digital Marketing
- For Digital Marketing practitioners to learn how to turn their expertise in to a profitable enterprise. (entrepreneurship)
- Network with “like minded” people
- Have fun, drink, and meet new (and old) friends!
Everyone is invited specially those who are interested in Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Seasoned Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneur Wannabees, Digital Marketing Professionals (Strategists, Social Media Specialists, SEO’s, Bloggers, Web Designers & Developers), Traditional Business Owners, Start-up Founders, and College Students.
The Agenda will be:
7:00pm – 7:30pm : Registration / Networking / Refreshments
7:30pm – 8:00pm : Welcome / Digital Entrepreneurs Manila Vision (Ben Francia)
8:00pm – 8:30pm : Q&A / Open Forum
8:30pm – onwards : Networking / Booze
See you there!
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