Video Blog Tuesdays

4 Reasons Why Businesses Need to Engage Brand Advocates

4 Reasons Why Businesses Need to Engage Brand Advocates

There is one common question that SME’s and Start Up Entrepreneurs ask me about Internet Marketing is: “What is the cheapest yet effective way to Market our product and company online?” And my answer to them: “Brand Advocate Marketing!”. Check out this video to find ...

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Twitter Etiquette 101

Yup, Twitter requires some basic etiquette for you to build better relationships on Twitter, most specially if you intend to use it to promote your business. In this short video I will show to you the 11 Basic Rules of Twitter Etiquette. The original text was based on the original article by Core...

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Core Values of a Digital Influencer: AUTHENTICITY

On November 24, 2012, I spoke in the Digital Influencers Marketing Summit in Cebu. It was a riveting experience to meet people from all over the Philippines and share with them what it’s like being transformed into an influencer. One thing I may have missed sharing with them is one core val...

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Essential Twitter Accounts That Every Filipino Should Follow

Apparently, there are 3 types of information the Filipino people needs to hear from the government: 1. Holidays 2. Weather 3. Traffic So how the heck do you find out about these things in one of the most fastest ways of communication known as social media?

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Inbound Marketing VS Outbound Marketing

There are two main approaches when it comes to marketing – there’s the outbound approach, where you get yourself in front of your leads’ faces and start selling them stuff AND there’s the inbound approach where leads literally find you. In this video, I’ll do a compa...

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How to Register Your Domain Name with a GoDaddy Promo Code

When I’m all set to try something new out in the Internet, I always do three things. These are: 1. Keyword Research2. Buy a Domain Name3. Make sure I use one of GoDaddy’s Promo codes While the first step takes more time, the last two are pretty easy. Of course, keyword research is for...

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Why Businesses Should Have Websites and not Facebook Pages

I ran this little challenge in Facebook where I asked you folks why you DON’T need a website to have a successful Internet business. Many gave some valid points, and most of the answers were related to the fact that they can already make use of Facebook and that it’s free. Allow me to...

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3 Essential Steps To Be An Online Influencer

Last Saturday, October 29, 2012, I attended the Digital Influencer Marketing Summit at the SMX Convention Center. This was my first time to join a local Internet Marketing related event so I was quite excited to hear what the local experts and practitioners have to share about the topic. I must s...

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Blogging TIP #8: Update Your Permalinks

By default you post URLs are formatted with some weird numbers that really look ugly. Not only are they hard to read and recall, but they are also not good for Search Engine Optimization. So we need to make sure that you update your WordPress Permalinks and make it keyword-rich. Here’s a vi...

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Blogging TIP #3: Use target Keywords in your Blog Post Title

There are many reasons why you need to have your target keywords stated clearly on your blog post’s titles. For one, there’s the SEO need and, another, you need to be very clear with your audience. By clear, I mean you ought to communicate what is it exactly that you’re going to...

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Blogging TIP #1: Provide Value

What’s that number 1 secret to getting lots of followers for your blog? I mean, really, a few friends of mine have asked this question before and they’ve been blogging for more than 3 years now and they’ve never really developed much of a following. Even in an Internet business ...

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[VIDEO] How To Get Customers Online With Blogging

It’s always been a point for me to recommend to new customers to get a blog mainly because it’s where most of the magic happens – both the meeting up between my customer and his/her customers, up to the point where they have a meaningful and profitable relationship with each oth...

Recommended Reading

Which Step Have You Reached Today?

Which Step Have You Reached Today?

Are you closer to your goal now than you are yesterday? What have you achieved today that will take you even closer to what you want? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself every day in order to keep you motivated. You can’t let one day pass without achieving anything. [&he...

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Bubbly Voice Blog: Life stares at us while we are down

Growing a business has its ups and downs. Sometimes it even feels like there are more downs than ups. But that should never discourage you from reaching your goals. The hard times are what challenge us to go further in order to reach for our dreams. These are the moments when we are really [&he...

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Never Let A Small Setback Ruin Your Future

Setbacks are natural to those reaching for a goal. It’s normal to encounter them, but we shouldn’t let it affect our goals or us. Challenges, problems, and setbacks come to us whether we are ready for them or not. One thing is for sure, we should “never let a small setback ruin our future.” We [&...

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Why Is It Important For YOU To Act Now and Disregard Failure

Tomorrow is another day and yesterday is gone, we only really have today so don’t waste it. Some people tend to think that they will have time the next day or the next week. But the reality is, we don’t know exactly what will happen tomorrow and if we will have the same luxury of […]

Change Your Thinking, Change Your World

Change Your Thinking, Change Your World

Have you ever felt like you are thinking too much? Surely you are not the only one. A lot of people are guilty of this. Oftentimes, we tend to overthink and dissect every situation by predicting the outcome, our reaction to it, and what we would do after. We forget that a simple way of […]

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Your Only Limitations Are The Ones You Make In Your Mind

In life, we’re given problems and blessings, both of which (whether we admit it or not) we bring to ourselves. Thing is, a lot of people never really considered what they’re capable of – mainly because they limit themselves when the opportunity to do or be better comes in.