6 Quick Fixes to Blogger’s Block

ben francia | by Ben Francia |Last Updated: May 2, 2013

bloggers block

If you have been blogging for a few months now, either as a hobby or as part of your marketing strategy for your business, I’m sure you have already experience what most bloggers call the “Blogger’s Block”. This is the time when you feel that you are already out of ideas to blog about.

In this blog post, I will show to you six strategies that I use to get more ideas for topics to write about and get that creative juice pumping again.

So here you go!

1. Get Recommendations from Google Keyword Research Tool – Aside from just being used for Keyword Research, the Google Keyword Research Tool can also be a place to get other topics to write about. When you do a keyword search, it always shows you below a list of other recommended keywords that people are also using on Google. These are most of the time “Long Tail Keywords” or more specific and “niche” keywords that would normally have some good search traffic potential. The fact that they show up in this list of recommendations is enough proof that people are actually looking for these topics.

2. Ride with Recent and Relevant News – Timeliness and Relevance are the two keys to this strategy. Keep a list of blogs or websites that provide news and updates that are relevant to your industry. Like in my case for example, since I do Social Media Marketing Consultancy for my clients, one of the top blogs on my list is Mashable which is a site that provides Social Media related news. What I normally do is I review the new blog posts from this site together with the other blogs on my favorite list and look for topics and ideas that I can also blog about.

3. See what your customers or readers are asking you – I always take note of the questions that people are asking me about their online business. I normally receive these questions through different channels:

• Social Media Network like Facebook and Twitter
• Email
• My website’s contact form
• Q & A during seminars and speaking engagements
• Client Consultations
• Seminar Sign-up forms

I make it a point of course that I answer them first. Then whenever I can, I try to publish a blog post about it so that other people can learn from the same topic or question that was asked. You can check out one sample blog post here.

4. Answer your blog comments – Blog comments are a good source of ideas for your next blog post. You can write a new blog post in response to comments posted to an earlier article published. Or why not a sequel to previous blog post?

5. Refer to Hot Industry Topics – You are sure to get some attention and traffic if you produce blog posts that ride on to Trending topics on the web specially the ones that are being talked about in the Social Media Scene. Check out Social Bookmarking sites like Stumbleupon and Digg for the most bookmarked and read articles and topics on the net. Also check out Google Think Insights which compiles some hot trending topics on different industries.

6. Repurpose existing content – Got an existing popular blog post? Why not turn that in to a video? Or an Infographic probably? Check out what you already have and repurpose by converting them in to different formats.

There are tons of other ways to get more ideas for your blog. Feel free to share what works for every time that “Blogger’s Block” sets in.

Continue to provide remarkable content for your readers and target customers! Happy Blogging! ☺

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