Offline Engagements – How to Make it Happen

ben francia | by Ben Francia |Last Updated: September 19, 2011

Part of establishing an online presence is involving yourself with offline activities that are, in one way or another, relevant to your industry. Besides assuring a relatively big following for your online presence, you also make sure that this audience is highly motivated. Thus, it increases your chances at producing results that matter for your campaign.

Here are a few things you might want to do for offline ventures. Check it out:

Scout out relevant events – I can’t stress how important it is to participate in an event that’s relevant to your niche. It’s similar to bringing your products where your prospects and customers are. Essentially, if you’re in the Internet marketing industry, you’d like to go to events that feature SEO, social media or Internet marketing events in general. But hey, if you’re creative enough you’d be able to market anything online – all you need to do is be there.

Network – Besides actually showing up for the event, you have to talk to people and make new friends. It’s essentially a social thing, so if you’re a nerd with little to no social sense whatsoever, get over it! This is all about being able to represent yourself as an individual others can trust.

Be respectful and accommodate anyone who wants to make friends with you. Who knows? That person could be your next joint venture partner or client.

Prepare calling cards – It may sound weird for online entrepreneurs who market themselves but you need to have calling cards ready to give out. I understand that cellphones and other mobile devices allow people to save your number or email, but having calling cards creates an impression that you’re a certified professional. It also eliminates the inconvenience of having your new friend to take out his or her mobile device to save your contact details.

Optimize everything – Optimization does not only apply to websites. It also applies to you as an Internet marketer or “tribe member”. Make sure that you clothe yourself accordingly, just as much to give your prospects the good vibes.

Don’t forget to include your contact details AND social places in your calling card too.

Be there – By that, I mean besides networking and getting to know people in the event, you need to have a relevant purpose for being there. For instance, you market costumes and you’re attending a cosplay event. Don’t just spread your business card around, take pictures and make friends.

Hold events yourself – It sounds like a helluva lot of investment, but it sure is worth it. Organizing an event on your own allows you to draw a crowd that’s actually interested in what you do. Tell the people who you are and what you do. Of course, you’re going to have to provide value. So make sure that you organize this event carefully.


That’s just about it for this post. Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Photo by raftwetjewel

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