Remember, Today Is The Tomorrow You Worried About Yesterday

ben francia | by Ben Francia |Last Updated: August 11, 2014

Most of us can’t help but worry about our future. Being unsure of what is to come scares us. But we shouldn’t waste time on it. Instead, we must make the most of our day.

Worrying won’t let us reach our goals faster, nor will it help us succeed. Often times, it pulls us back from being the best we can be. We are consumed by our worries and hinder us from doing what we need to do in the first place. Truth is, we only have today so we need to make sure we seize the moment and do the best we can today.

Dale Carnegie said, “Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.” When you start to worry, remind yourself of this quote. Reassure yourself that things will turn out well when you work hard and plan well.

Stop wasting your time worrying. Get out there and seize the moment. Strive for excellence, whatever it is that you do. Today is all we really have and worrying won’t make anything better. If you really want to succeed, then go and make it happen!



2020-12-09 03:50:47

John D

My mother used to say something similar, she probably just remembered it wrong.....If so I have remembered it for 4 decades. She would say...................... Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. And today is the day I looked up the original author. Thanks Dale Carnegie for the great word that inspired a mother and her kids when they would be worried about something...:)

2018-01-11 03:22:16

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