Nothing Ever Goes Away Until It Has Taught Us Its Lesson

ben francia | by Ben Francia |Last Updated: August 29, 2014

Life is a great teacher. As long as you live, you will keep on learning, whether from experience, from the people you meet, and even from mistakes.

At times, there are lessons that we will encounter over and over again, without realizing that they will go away until we learn from them. Have you ever stumbled upon a certain situation that just seems to come back and haunt you? Well, that is proof that you need to overcome this situation.

The same goes with challenges. We often stumble upon certain challenging situation over and over again, until we finally learn how to overcome it and learn from it. Pema Chödrön once said, “Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”

So next time you encounter difficulties, don’t run away from them. Tackle them head on and find out what it is you need to know. Don’t be afraid of the challenges and lessons. They are all part of life. Be brave for all these situations will help you improve.

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